About Infant Jesus

About Infant Jesus

INFANT JESUS ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL was founded by his Lordship, the Late Rt.rev.Dr.Jerome M Fernandez. The management and staff strive to impart value oriented education.




Average CGPA



Study Well

Extra Carricular

Physical Training

Physical Training

Physical training is termed as the systemic use of the



The school has an excellent basketball court and offers best-in-class.



We provide courses for developing creative skills like music,



Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod

Social Services

Social Services

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod

A few words

His Excellency Most. Rev. Dr. Paul Antony Mullassery, Bishop of Quilon, is the current patron of this institution. Affiliated to ICSE and ISC boards, this reputed institution caters to the integral development of about 1700 students from Play School to Class XII. The School offers all round personality development to the students and helps them grow gracefully in the knowledge and understanding of themselves in relation to others and to God. gracefully in the knowledge and understanding of themselves in relation to others and to God.

Principal's Message

May the God Almighty bless you all, my dear Infantines.
His Excellency Most. Rev. Dr. Paul Antony Mullassery, Bishop of Quilon, is the current patron of this institution. Affiliated to ICSE and ISC boards, this reputed institution caters to the integral development of about 1700 students...

Rev.Sr.Shanthi Antony’s Message

“The heart of education is the education of the heart.”
Very few have fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child . The effort of every educator should be to unlock that treasure. Even as we impart education to match the advancement...